Shipping & Returns

Picture of shipping vehicle for shipping & Returns page

Orders will usually ship within 5 to 7 working days. While we offer several methods of shipping please note that if you choose "2 day" shipping for example that means that after the order is complete we will ship it using a 2 day service. It does not mean you will have the order in 2 days.
Returns are processed on a case by case basis. If you made a custom order and approved a proof from us, then we will likely not accept a return. So please, be sure to double check your proof as well as your spelling! If there is an error that was done on our part, we will make it right for you. We want you 100% satisfied with your order.
Damaged Items: 
If your order arrives broken or damaged, we will make and ship a new one to you at no cost. Be sure to check your order as soon as it arrives and let us know within 3 days of receiving your order if there is a problem.
Guaranteed to be what you ordered: 
We guarantee the item you ordered is the item you'll receive. If the layout, size, photo, font or artwork is different than what was approved through your proof, we will send a new item with the corrections at no charge to you. Please notify us via our Contact US Page